Thursday, June 16, 2016

Criminal Law

If you have been recently been accused of an alleged criminal offense, you may be worried about the damage to your reputation and future that a conviction could cause. Facing charges that could seriously impact your future can be daunting, it is important to know that you are not alone.

It can be challenging to navigate the Grand Junction criminal law. It is important to have adequate representation for charges related to drugs, DUI, theft, violent crime, theft and other criminal charges. It is important to find comprehensive, client-focused criminal defense legal services so that you can defend yourself from criminal charges in court.

Facing Criminal Charges

If you have been charged with a crime, you need a competent attorney that has the knowledge and the experience to defend your rights. Grand Junction criminal law can be confusing and you need expert help to ensure you are protected. Some of the charges you may need to seek legal guidance for:

Drug crimes - Drug laws in Colorado can be harsh and you may face significant jail time. An experienced attorney can help you to mount a successful defense against charges related to heroin, meth and prescription drugs including drug use, manufacturing, unlawful possession, trafficking and drug paraphernalia charges.

DUI and DWAI – DUI stands for driving under the influence while DWAI stands fro driving while adversely impaired. DUI’s and DWAI’s are both serious charges that could result in substantial fines, loss of your driver’s license or jail time. This can be from operating a vehicle while intoxicated by alcohol, marijuana or prescription drugs. A good criminal lawyer can help reduce fines and jail time in order to protect you and your family from the potentially devastating consequences of a conviction.

Theft and property cases - If you have been charged with a theft or property crime, you need to seek legal help immediately. Theft or property crimes are serious charges that could mean decades in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. While some misdemeanor crimes can result in probation or community services, others convicted could face felony records. Let us help you learn about your legal options.

Murder and violent crimes - Colorado criminal offenses that involve murder or violent crimes require exceptional representation as you could face lengthy prison sentences that will substantially impact your life and future. With not only your future to think about but also the future of your family and loved ones, it is important to have the best legal council possible.

Criminal appeals

Even if your case has not concluded in your favor, you may still have options. Most cases have valid legal concerns that can and should be appealed by a competent attorney. An appeal can help you to reduce your charges with the help of an experienced lawyer. If you were not properly represented during your trial, the court made a mistake or new evidence has been discovered, we may be able to appeal your case.

If you have been charged with a crime, it is recommended that you seek experienced legal counsel from a Grand Junction criminal defense lawyer immediately to protect your rights.

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